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my name is berlin, i am brazilian and 21 years old. i am a fashion design student. i am interested in firearms, semiotics, occultism, harsh noise, design (especially graphic design), military attire, amputations, experimental art and myself. when i am not busy with college, i occupy myself by drawing, talking to people online, exercising, taking walks and coding this very site you see.
do you live in berlin?
no and i have never been there.
what is brazil like?
are you autistic?
why do you write about tabboo topics so often?
i like it.
are you serious about amputating your finger?
why are so many gore videos from brazil?
why would i know this?
why are you so dry/blunt/weird?
i have a condition.
what fandoms are you into?
never ask me this again.
can we be friends?
we can certainly try.
any advice for non-schizophrenics writing schizophrenic characters?
just give up.
what inspires you?
you really want to cut your finger off? why?
you already asked me that.